50s -2000

From the late fifties onwards, the pictorial cycle dedicated to the Second Vatican Council by Borgonzoni maintains a definitely dominant expressionist stylistic vein, but also due to the underlying reasons of the subject matter, more poetically existentialist traits, in line with human tensions expressed in the contemporary works by Alberto Giacometti and Francis Bacon. In the seventies, Borgonzoni gives rise to a pictorial cycle that is parallel and transverse to the Council, subtle social critique works expressed by means of metaphors, through issues involving science, bureaucracy, faith, power and freedom, with a predominantly abstractionist poetics, declined sometimes with informal revivals and geometric suggestions, but where the power of expressionist colour retains its significance. Indeed, with time, in the eighties and nineties, the colour palette of the artist intensifies and brightens up, illuminating bucolic and georgic interpretations of cycles dedicated to La Boje, romantic socialism, Virgil and Celts.